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tips for training stubborn dogs

Do you have a dog that just doesn't seem to listen to you? How much time have you spent really training your dog? Do you know how to really train your dog? If you have spent time working with your dog and he still doesn't follow your commands, there may be things you have done wrong, or your dog could just be a little more stubborn than others. My site will give you some tips to train difficult dogs. I have had some of the most stubborn dogs and I have managed to get them to learn what they need to know to be safe, happy members of our family.

tips for training stubborn dogs

Picking Your Next Protection Dog From The Litter

by Catherine Bishop

As the nation becomes increasingly more unstable, more and more families are looking for ways to protect themselves. Investing in a good protection dog can be a great way to help your family experience the joy of being a pet owner while providing yourself with access to an animal that will help protect your property.

It can be challenging to determine which puppy in a litter will make a good protection dog, but there are some traits you can look for as you evaluate each puppy. These traits exhibited as a puppy should translate to characteristics that will make a good protection dog as the animal matures.

Look for a puppy that is curious.

Protection dogs will need to be vigilant in monitoring the environment for potential threats. To ensure that your puppy will grow up to be aware of his or her surroundings, you should look for a puppy that displays curiosity in the world.

An inquisitive puppy will investigate you and your family when you first arrive. He or she will be using the senses of sight, hearing, and smell to process information. A puppy that doesn't seem to be interested in exploring might not have the disposition required to be an effective protection dog in the future.

Look for a puppy that is playful.

Another great character trait you can look for when trying to select your next protection dog is playfulness. A puppy that is playful will not show signs of being intimidated by his or her litter mates.

Instead, the puppy will actively participate in playful wrestling matches and instigate games of chase. A protection dog needs to be confident and self-assured in order to provide the protective services required of him or her. A playful puppy will have the confidence and charisma needed to engage in potentially dangerous situations.

Look for a puppy that likes you.

For many dog breeds, the instinct to protect his or her pack is strong. When a puppy is adopted into a home, the family becomes the pack. You want to look for a puppy that appears to like you and your family.

A puppy that follows you around, listens to basic commands, and wants to show affection is best. If your puppy feels a connection with you and your family, you can tap into the dog's natural desire to protect you as his pack when you begin training him or her as a protection dog.
