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tips for training stubborn dogs

Do you have a dog that just doesn't seem to listen to you? How much time have you spent really training your dog? Do you know how to really train your dog? If you have spent time working with your dog and he still doesn't follow your commands, there may be things you have done wrong, or your dog could just be a little more stubborn than others. My site will give you some tips to train difficult dogs. I have had some of the most stubborn dogs and I have managed to get them to learn what they need to know to be safe, happy members of our family.

tips for training stubborn dogs

Getting a Shelter Dog? What to Know Before Bringing it Home

by Catherine Bishop

If you're ready to pick up a dog from a shelter and you worry that you don't know how to take care of it properly, there are some things you want to do before you bring it home. You want to get all your paperwork from the shelter to know if you need to take care of your dog's medical care and training right away. Here are a couple of the things you want to do after you pick the animal up.

Veterinarian Checkup

When a dog is at a shelter around several other dogs, you don't know what type of diseases it could have been exposed to. Although the shelter may vaccinate the dog, or spay and neuter, you want to get your own veterinary checkup when you take possession of the animal. The veterinarian will do a full workup to see if there are any problems with the dog's blood, vitals, or if there are hereditary concerns. You can find out exactly what type of breed it is with bloodwork.

Dog Training

Dog training will be very important, especially since you don't know what type of training the dog has had. You can take your new dog to an obedience training course so the dog learns how to take direction from you or from other family members. Look into programs that force the dogs to kindly interact with other dogs as well so you can be sure that the dog will be nice around other pets.

If you are hoping that you can use the dog for hunting or security purposes, you'll want to look into specialized training courses that are available after they've taken the obedience training courses. Your dog may need multiple sessions of pet training to adapt and learn. Your dog's vet will likely be aware of some reputable options. 

Having a pet is a big responsibility, and you want to know that your dog is healthy when you bring it home. However, there are a lot of resources available for new pet owners or shelter animals. Ask the vet what the best food and vitamin options are for the breed of dog that you bring home so you and your new pet have a fresh start together. Until then, get to a licensed veterinarian and also find a reputable pet training center so you can start getting your dog to adjust to life with you.
