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tips for training stubborn dogs

Do you have a dog that just doesn't seem to listen to you? How much time have you spent really training your dog? Do you know how to really train your dog? If you have spent time working with your dog and he still doesn't follow your commands, there may be things you have done wrong, or your dog could just be a little more stubborn than others. My site will give you some tips to train difficult dogs. I have had some of the most stubborn dogs and I have managed to get them to learn what they need to know to be safe, happy members of our family.

tips for training stubborn dogs

Surprise! "Low-Maintenance" Dog Breeds Often Have Special Grooming Needs

by Catherine Bishop

Certain dog breeds, like Poodles, Yorkshire Terriers, Bichon Frises, and Cocker Spaniels, serve as poster children for the wide world of dog grooming. Yet, a breed need not have a lot of hair or traditional clipping style to have special dog grooming needs. Here are some examples of dogs that appear low-maintenance, but actually require more grooming than you might expect.


Have you ever seen a "Mexican Hairless"? If so, you were actually exposed to a very old breed with a very interesting name: the Xoloitzcuintli. "Xolos," as they are known by their friends, are available in three different sizes and in two different coat types. Coated Xolos have short, sleek hair that is easy to maintain. Hairless Xolos have no body hair, but can have a tuft of short hair on the head, tail, and feet. All Xolos have a very thick skin that is simultaneously soft to the touch. To protect the Xolo against extreme temperatures and parasites, this hide produces a protective natural oil.

Sounds easy, right? It is--mostly. Avoid over-bathing your Xolo, as this can strip your pet of the natural skin oils. Unfortunately, these beneficial oils have a downside: the Xoloitzcuintli is prone to doggy acne. The trick to owning a happy and healthy Xolo is to find the right balance between cleansing and tending to your dog's acne without interfering with the natural oil production. This is easier said than done. Just like a teenager's face, the skin of a Xolo is tricky to maintain, indeed. 

Wrinkly Breeds

If you have a wrinkly friend, like a Bulldog, Boxer, Pug, or Chinese Shar-Pei, you were probably initially attracted to your pet's fantastic display of wrinkled skin. These dogs are so unique in appearance, but as a result, are also unique in their grooming needs.

You must clean in between your dog's wrinkles. Food particles, bodily excretions, and dirt easily collect in between these wrinkles; unless you tidy up these areas, trapped debris results in bad odors, itchiness, dandruff, infections, and sores. Some breeds, like Bulldogs, are even more at risk for health problems originating in unclean wrinkle folds because of a yeast infection-friendly autoimmune disorder.

Popular "Low-Maintenance" Dogs

Certain dog breeds, like Labrador Retrievers, Dachshunds, Chihuahuas, Bulldogs, and Beagles, have enjoyed decades of popularity here in the United States. You may be wondering, what does this have to do with these dogs' grooming needs?

Actually, these breeds' popularity has everything to do with one very specific grooming issue: demodectic mange. Demodectic mange is a skin condition that results in a dog or puppy's inability to combat a certain mite species. All dogs are exposed to demodectic mange mites through their mothers, and most can live happy and healthy lives even when these microscopic mites are present. Some puppies and dogs have immature or weak immune systems, however, and the microscopic mites take over. These mites are extremely uncomfortable, and cause your dog to itch, smell bad, scratch, and develop open sores and infections.

So, you might ask, why are more popular breeds more likely to develop demodectic mange if all dogs host small numbers of these mites? When a certain dog breed becomes popular, unscrupulous breeders see dollar signs and breed their animals for the wrong reasons. Over-breeding is a side effect of popularity, and over-breeding results in many negative things, including weakened immune systems. Dogs that inherit weakened immune systems are unable to ward off medical threats that healthier dogs' immune systems can easily combat, including demodectic mange. Thus, the more popular that a breed becomes, the more likely that the gene pool will be afflicted with hereditary suppressed immune systems.
